Authors: Mauricio Verano Merino, Juan Pablo Sáenz, Ana María Díaz

Venue: Programming Abstractions and Interactive Notations, Tools, and Environments (PAINT)




Computational notebooks have been gaining prominence as a development environment suitable for non-experienced developers. However, it requires proficiency in writing syn- tactically and semantically correct code. In this article, we propose integrating a block-based approach into compu- tational notebooks to prevent syntactical errors and ease the non-expert developers’ adoption. Furthermore, we rely on two tools previously implemented (Bacatá and Kogi) to (i) create a computational notebook for Domain-Specific Languages and (ii) generate a block-based representation upon the language definition. Consequently, our approach does not exclusively focus on integrating a block-based en- vironment into computational notebooks but on enabling the creation and integration of domain-specific block-based environments into notebooks. Future work concerns the evaluation of our proposal through a user study.